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Knowledge is only worthwhile if you can share it. In that vain, here are some resources that may be helpful for you.


Parents looking to help kids with the big emotions that come with sport participation: 




Coaches encouraging a Growth Mindset, Click on the pdf icon to the right to download




Managing the Moment: Tips for youth coaches to help their young athletes enjoy playing their sport.



Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck is a collection of her research into the concept of Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. Her work has been influential for many professionals seeking to understand the psychology of success. Highly recommended for anyone looking to better understand how our mind influences our focus on improvement.











The Whole-Brain Child is an approachable read that allows parents to gain a better understanding of their child's brain development. The authors have included practical ideas on how to talk with children about their thoughts and emotions.














For coaches, a must read is the Talent Code. This book details the process young athletes go through to develop skill. Sometimes coaches underestimate the value of repeated practice and the authors discuss the need for the fundamental skills to be practiced by athletes.
















Those interested in leadership and vulnerability, researcher Brene Brown has delivered another fascinating book, Dare to Lead. In this one, she combines her research on vulnerability and shame to examine how those prevent leaders from accessing their true potential. 














On Killing by LTC Dave Grossman is a fascinating read about the psychological process of training people how to shoot other human beings. Contains interesting content about how the military training process attempts to reduce our reluctance to shoot another human being.





Growing Your Mindset ~ Improving Grit and Resilience ~ Team Building and Social Cohesion ~ Emotional Agility ~ Performing Under Pressure

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